Enrollment & Registration

Enrollment for new students

New to the district? Please complete the IUSD district enrollment process by clicking here.   

Quick Reference Guide for Enrollment


For year-round schools, enrollment will be handled by the school sites when the office re-opens.  Please go ahead and complete the online enrollment process and make sure to upload your documents during that process.  If you have moved within IUSD over the summer and would like to prove residency to check for space at Plaza Vista, please email residency verification documents to pvenroll@iusd.org . 

pre-k & Kindergarten

Pre-K has now expanded the age range!  See if your student is eligible by clicking hereAn annual PreK Parent Information Night is held every February.  Details can be found on the link above.

Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration Checklist

Plaza Vista Kinder Round-Up Presentation - An annual Kinder Round Up meeting is held at each school site the evening before online registration opens in March.  Please see the calendar for more information.

All electronic resources can be found on the Kindergarten Information page on IUSD.org

Continued enrollment for current PV students

In March, current Plaza Vista students need a parent to log into Parent Portal and complete the "Intent to Return" survey to let us know your plans for the upcoming school year.  This includes students wanting Lakeside or who are moving on to high school.

In July, all families must log in to Parent Portal to complete the Data Confirmation process prior to the first day of school.  Be sure to check every category and update the emergency contacts and authorizations.  This is how the school will contact you in the event of an emergency and have important permissions for basic medical care.

Open Enrollment (school choice)

The school choice process is for students who would like to attend an IUSD that is not considered their assigned school.  Please note, if you are already attending Plaza Vista under the Open Enrollment Agreement you do not need to complete the lottery process again.  Each January a link to our School Choice Google form can be found on the Calendar and/or front page banner.  If you miss the deadline (late Feb) please contact the front office.  For timelines & more information please visit the district website .

Pre-K students will need to attend their assigned school.

For students entering into grades 7-9 for the upcoming school year you can apply for school choice/open enrollment through the district.  Please visit the district website for timelines and next steps.