When Children Should Not Be In School
A child who has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, has an undiagnosed rash, or experiences nausea, vomiting or diarrhea is excluded from school. Any child suspected of having an infectious disease/condition is also excluded and may not return to school until she/he has been symptom-free for 24 hours after being sent home or a physician provides a written statement that the child is not contagious. Some of the more commonly occurring infectious conditions in school-age children include pink eye, flu, chickenpox, and Fifth Disease. Children with signs of head lice or the eggs (nits) of the louse are also excluded until all eggs (nits) are removed.
* please be advised that due to COVID-19 , there may be updates/adjustments to these guidelines above
Any child who needs to keep medications at school must have the appropriate forms signed by a medical provider, and the medications need to be in the original container with the student's name on it. If in doubt, please contact the health office. All medications must be distributed through the health office. Students may only have emergency medication in their possession with written authorization and verification through the school nurse.
School Nurse: Angela Chong
Health Clerk: Helen Baxter