Code of Conduct

Plaza Vista is a PBIS school. Positive behaviors are taught and acknowledged throughout the year. Our school wide behavior program is based on “P.R.I.D.E” which stands for the following:

  • Partnership: I agree to demonstrate team spirit and to work for the good of the group.
  • Respectfulness: I agree to demonstrate consideration for the rights of others and to hold others in high regard. I agree to focus on the good in my life and to let go of negative feelings.
  • Integrity: I agree to keep my word privately and publicly.
  • Determination: I agree to persist in what is right, regardless of the cost. I agree to demonstrate selfdiscipline and self-motivation.
  • Empathy: I agree to treat everyone kindly and to help them in their time of need.

Despite the focus on teaching and promoting positive behaviors, there are occasions when students break the rules. At Plaza Vista, we take a proactive approach to teach behavior expectations, promote kindness and eliminate bullying behaviors. Students who feel they are a victim of bullying, or are witnessing bullying are encouraged to inform an adult immediately. Teachers and administrators will follow up on any reports of bullying or harassment in order to resolve conflicts. If your child reports to you that they are a victim of, or are witnessing bullying behaviors, please contact your child’s teacher or school administration immediately.