Middle School Textbook and Library Book(s) Return is Thursday, June 4th
Middle School Textbook and Library Book(s) Return is Thursday, June 4th
Plaza Vista School will be collecting and checking in all Middle School student textbooks and library books on Thursday, June 4th, 2020. In order to keep safe distancing please follow the instructions below. All Plaza Vista staff will be wearing a mask and gloves for everyone’s protection.
Curbside drop-off Instructions
Please return hardcover History, Enhanced Math vol 1 & 2, any novel studies & all library books.
Please do not put book(s) in bags, leave them loose.
Write the students first and last name and Advisement Teachers name on a Post-It Note and place it on the book
Put your items in your trunk or back of the SUV (whichever applies) in order to pop it open from the inside at time of drop-off.
When dropping off please stay in your car
When you pull up please pop your trunk or hand books through your passenger window.
All parents should wear a mask and gloves when possible at drop off time.
If you have more than one student please just come once and return the books for all students at the same time.
If you cannot make it at your scheduled day and time, please only come back on Friday, June 5th. There will be tables set out at the front curb in front of the office from 10-1.
Time slots are in order by GRADE then STUDENT’S LAST name:
6th Grade
Letter A-H: 11:00 PM
Letter I-O: 11:45 PM
Letter P-Z: 12:30 PM
7th Grade:
Letter A-L: 1:00 PM
Letter M-Z: 1:45 PM
8th Grade:
Letter A-F: 3:00 PM
Letter G-M: 3:30 PM
Letter N-Z: 4:00 PM
For questions please call the Library 949-936-6965 or email: emilyknutson@iusd.org